Street Art in Mexico City: A Colorful Urban Adventure

Discover street art in Mexico City – a colorful adventure filled with murals, graffiti, and artistic expressions on its urban walls!

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Best Street Artists in Mexico City

  • Saner: He is a famous artist known for his colorful wall paintings. He usually uses Mexican stories and traditions in his art, making his pieces very eye-catching and meaningful.
  • Neuzz: His style is recognized for its intricate details and colorful compositions. He makes incredible graffiti and murals, with Mexican symbols.
  • Smithe: Known for his unique blend of mechanical and organic elements in his artworks, Smithe’s murals often feature futuristic or robotic characters, blending them with traditional Mexican elements.
  • Paola Delfín: Her murals usually portray realistic yet dreamlike figures, focusing on themes like femininity, identity, and human emotions. Her work often combines detailed imagery with a touch of surrealism.
  • Curiot: Curiot’s murals feature imaginative creatures inspired by Mexican folklore and mythology. His colorful and surreal artworks evoke a sense of wonder, imagination, and fantasy.
  • Seher One: His art blends contemporary styles with traditional Mexican imagery. His murals frequently explore themes of identity, culture, and social issues.
  • Mariana Castillo Deball: She often incorporates diverse elements into her murals, combining historical references with contemporary art forms, creating thought-provoking pieces.

Historic Center of Mexico City

In the Historic Center of Mexico City, there’s lots of cool street art to see! Regina Street is a famous spot with colorful murals that mix modern art with Mexican culture. The Regina Alley has galleries and many murals with different styles and ideas. At the Ciudadela Main Square, you’ll find amazing murals on the buildings that celebrate Mexico’s history and culture. 🎨Check out our Street Art Mexico: Admire the Talent in Trendy Neighborhoods Online

Awesome murals surround Santo Domingo Main Square and Republica de Cuba. They show important aspects of local culture. Some of the best murals include Neuzz’s stunning work on Regina Street. It shows indigenous people and nature, mixing old and new styles. You should also see the El Macro Mural Barrio de las Mujeres near Isabel la Católica metro (subway) station. It’s a powerful mural celebrating the strength of women in Mexican society.

The Historic Center of Mexico City is like a treasure chest of street art! So many incredible murals tell stories about the city’s culture, history, and creativity. Walking around these streets is like diving into an exciting world of art, and it’s a great way to see the amazing talent of local and international artists.

street art in mexico city
Mural on the outside wall of a playground depicting the Familia Burrón cartoon series on Regina Street in Mexico City

Tlalpan and Iztapalapa

In Tlalpan and Iztapalapa, lots of great street art fills the streets! In Tlalpan, check out Calle (street) Ignacio Allende. Colorful murals there show modern art mixed with Mexican culture. Calle Capulín in San Miguel Topilejo also has amazing murals showing local life. Also, wal near Parque (park) El Pino, the walls show interesting urban art and creative designs.

Now, let’s talk about Álvaro Obregón, especially in San Ángel. Along Revolución Avenue, you’ll find street art celebrating Mexican history and stories. On streets like Calle Dr. Gálvez and Plaza Loreto, you’ll see more fantastic murals with unique styles and cultural stories.

Some stand-out murals are by Spaik on Calle Allende in Tlalpan. They mix Mexican culture with colorful designs. In Iztapalapa, don’t miss the amazing murals near Callejón de la Condesa by artists like Sego and Saner. And in San Ángel, lies the mural by Curiot on Avenida Revolución with its imaginative and folklore-inspired designs.

Tlalpan, Iztapalapa, and Álvaro Obregón are great places to see street art. These neighborhoods have lots of murals that celebrate Mexico’s culture and history. It’s like taking a fun trip through the world of street art, showing off the talent and different styles of artists from all over.

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Iztapalapa Street Art


Take a stroll through the Condesa neighborhood for more awesome street art. In this super chic Mexico City neighborhood, there’s a lot of stunning street art.

As you wander around, you’ll see colorful murals on the walls. A good place to check out is Calle Atlixco. It has many interesting murals with different styles. Also, nearby streets like Campeche and Tamaulipas have a lot of art.

Some parks in Condesa have big murals, too. Parque México (Mexico Park) and Parque España have walls painted with really nice art. These paintings mix nature, culture, and modern designs, making the parks even more special.

One of the best murals you should see is by an artist named ROA on Calle Atlixco. He paints big animals and has very detailed murals. Another great one is by an artist called Pixel Pancho near Parque España. His art features robots and other weird stuff that looks awesome.

Condesa has so much street art to see! Every street has something interesting to check out. It’s like a giant outdoor art gallery. If you explore these streets, you’ll find many nice murals that make Condesa a cute and artsy place in Mexico City.

condesa roma mexico city
Condesa Neighborhood


In Mexico City’s La Roma neighborhood, you’ll find some incredible street art! The streets are like a huge art gallery with colorful murals everywhere.

Calle Colima is a must-visit spot if you love street art. It’s known for its fantastic murals that show different styles and stories. Another place is Luis Cabrera Main Square, where you can see some amazing graffiti and street art.

You shouldn’t miss the beautiful mural by artist Curiot on Calle Colima. Curiot’s art features mythical creatures and bright colors that look awesome. Another great one is by the artist Roa on Calle Orizaba. He paints enormous animals, and his murals are detailed and great. La Roma is a place where art is everywhere. It’s like an open-air museum with amazing murals on every corner.

Additionally, it is not far from La Juárez neighborhood and Chapultepec, where there is a lot of street art too! So, if you explore these streets, you’ll find lots of colorful and stunning street art that makes La Roma a fantastic and artistic neighborhood in Mexico City.

murals roma
Know the meaning behind notable works of art


In Chapultepec, around Reforma Avenue and nearby areas like La Juárez and Zona Rosa, you can discover cool street art.

Reforma Avenue has awesome murals, especially near Chapultepec Park. The walls are filled with bright and detailed art, ranging from colorful graffiti to giant murals.

Nearby, La Juárez has street art in places like Hamburgo and Liverpool, mixing modern styles with Mexican culture. Zona Rosa, especially Calle Génova, has amazing street art with different urban styles. Some standout murals include Neuzz’s artwork near Chapultepec Park, full of vivid colors and Mexican themes. Also, you’ll find impressive murals by Spaik in La Juárez and unique art by Seher One in Zona Rosa.

Exploring these spots in Chapultepec, Reforma Avenue, La Juárez, and Zona Rosa is like diving into a world of street art. Each place has diverse art that celebrates creativity, making these neighborhoods a paradise for street art fans in Mexico City.

Street Art Mexico (Graffitti)
Stroll around Mexico City and admire all types of artistic treasures

Bonus: Street Art in Mexico

Not only Mexico City has an impressive collection of street art. In towns like Tepoztlán, Atlixco, Baja California, Tijuana, Holbox, and Tulum, you’ll find lots of street art that shows different styles and stories.

Tepoztlán in Morelos State is pretty artsy. Streets like Calle del Arco have bright murals mixing Mexican stories with modern art. Also, around the market, you might spot art on the walls. Atlixco in Puebla is another town with awesome street art. The downtown area of the state of Puebla, especially Callejón de los Sapos, has loads of colorful murals and graffiti that give a creative vibe.

In Baja California, especially Tijuana, the Pasaje Rodríguez is like a hotspot for art on the streets. The walls are covered in all kinds of art styles and cultural ideas. Holbox, a little island near Yucatán, has some murals on its streets, though not everywhere. You might find some around local shops and restaurants that look pretty.

Tulum, near the Caribbean, has started having more street art lately. Along the main avenue, you can see different art styles, from colorful murals to graffiti. Remember, street art changes a lot, so the best art you see today might not be there tomorrow. However, exploring these places is an excellent way to see how different artists express themselves and show Mexican culture in their art.

Paradise Houses
Get immersed in one of the most scenic islands of Mexico: Holbox

Informative Video

Street art in Mexico City


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