Adventure Tours with Alex Veka

Alex Veka, founder of Vibe Adventures, shares his journey of creating authentic adventure tours in this podcast interview with Jason Elkins.

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Adventure Travel – A Deep Dive with Alex Veka, CEO of Vibe Adventures

In a captivating episode of the Big World Made Small podcast, hosted by Jason Elkins of Adventure Travel Marketing, Alex Veka, the founder and CEO of Vibe Adventures, shared his compelling journey of building an innovative travel agency that caters to modern adventurers. With a story steeped in personal exploration, entrepreneurship, and the desire to provide authentic travel experiences, Veka’s insights illuminate the intersection of passion, technology, and responsible tourism.

From Belarus to the World: The Roots of a Travel Enthusiast

Born and raised in Belarus, Alex’s early life laid the foundation for his passion for exploring the world. He reminisced about his childhood experiences, particularly a program aimed at helping children affected by the Chernobyl disaster, which took him to the Netherlands. These formative experiences not only broadened his view of the world but also sparked his love for travel and geography.

“I’ve always had a desire to see more, to understand how different cultures work, and to explore the geography of the world,” Alex explained during the interview. This curiosity led him to pursue formal education in tourism, combining his love for travel with a deep understanding of the industry. But his education wasn’t the only driving force—Alex’s life journey, which included living, studying, and working in seven countries, further shaped his perspective. His broad worldview would eventually become the backbone of Vibe Adventures.

A New Chapter in Mexico: How Vibe Adventures Was Born

Veka’s professional and personal life took a pivotal turn when he met his Mexican wife while working in China. Together, they embarked on an ambitious road trip that took them from Mexico all the way to Argentina. This trip would prove to be more than just an adventure—it was the catalyst for the creation of Vibe Adventures. “We had a lot of experiences where we realized how hard it could be to find truly authentic and responsible travel opportunities,” Veka said.

As Veka settled into life in Mexico, he fell in love with the vibrant culture, the stunning landscapes, and the warmth of its people. The country soon became his second home, a place where his entrepreneurial vision could thrive. In Mexico, Veka saw an opportunity to build a travel agency that not only highlighted the beauty of Latin America but also embraced technology to create seamless booking experiences for travelers.

adventure tours
Vibe Adventures Team

Blending Technology and Adventure: The Mission Behind Vibe Adventures

The vision behind Vibe Adventures is simple yet powerful: to offer a more accessible and streamlined way to book adventure holidays. Alex discussed how Vibe Adventures was designed with tech-savvy, independent travelers in mind, particularly millennials and post-millennials, who crave authentic, customizable travel experiences.

“People no longer want cookie-cutter holidays,” Alex shared with Elkins. “They want to feel like they’re a part of the destination. They want local experiences that are real and meaningful.”

With this in mind, Vibe Adventures provides meticulously curated travel experiences that emphasize the beauty and culture of Latin American destinations, with a strong focus on sustainability and responsible tourism. Veka emphasized the importance of working with local communities to ensure that travelers not only get an authentic experience but also leave a positive impact on the places they visit.

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To experience tours as if you were a local is a priority for Alex’s company

The Future of Travel: Simplifying the Booking Process

A key takeaway from the interview was Veka’s emphasis on how technology can simplify the process of booking complex adventure trips. His goal is to create a platform that not only makes travel more accessible but also integrates advanced features such as dynamic packaging, which will allow customers to book multi-day adventure trips that include flights.

“The travel industry is evolving, and we need to adapt by creating more efficient ways to book these unique trips,” Veka stated. He highlighted the upcoming addition of an agent portal to Vibe Adventures, which will streamline the process for travel agents looking to book adventure holidays for their clients.

A Growing Need for Authenticity in Travel

As the conversation continued, both Alex and Jason Elkins explored the growing demand for authenticity in travel, particularly among younger travelers. Veka noted that millennials and post-millennials are increasingly looking for experiences that allow them to connect with local cultures and immerse themselves in the true essence of a destination.

“There’s a shift happening in the travel industry,” Veka explained. “People don’t just want to visit a place; they want to experience it fully, whether that’s through food, culture, or adventure.” He added that many travelers now prioritize independent travel over traditional guided tours, which aligns with Vibe Adventures’ focus on flexible, customizable trips.

coyoacan neighborhood
In Vibe Adventures, we always want you to connect with local people

Challenges and Opportunities in the Travel Industry

During the interview, Veka didn’t shy away from discussing the challenges of running a travel startup, especially in a market as competitive as adventure travel. The industry, while filled with potential, also requires a delicate balance between innovation and responsibility.

One of the biggest challenges Alex identified is navigating the complexity of the hospitality industry, where traditional structures can sometimes hinder creativity and growth. “In hospitality, there’s often a ceiling,” he remarked. “That’s why I wanted to create something where I could have the freedom to design travel experiences that truly resonate with people.”

Despite these challenges, Alex sees enormous potential in the adventure travel market, particularly as more travelers seek out sustainable and responsible tourism options. He believes that by harnessing the power of technology and focusing on authentic experiences, Vibe Adventures can carve out a unique space in the market.

Huasteca potosina tour
Taking care of nature is also a big priority to Alex in Vibe Adventures

Lessons for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

For listeners who might be considering starting their own business in the travel industry, Alex shared several valuable insights. He emphasized the importance of being passionate about what you do, staying curious, and continuously learning. “Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart,” Alex admitted.

“But if you’re passionate about something and you’re willing to put in the work, the rewards are incredible.” He also highlighted the value of taking risks and being willing to adapt. From moving across countries to launching a startup, Veka’s journey exemplifies the resilience and adaptability required to succeed in both business and life.

Be a bold adventurer like our CEO!

Looking Ahead: What’s Next for Vibe Adventures?

As the episode drew to a close, Alex offered a glimpse into the future of Vibe Adventures. In addition to the agent portal and dynamic packaging feature, he hinted at plans to expand Vibe Adventures’ offerings beyond Latin America. His goal is to build a truly global platform for adventure travel, bringing his mission of responsible tourism to a wider audience.

“We’re just getting started,” Alex said with a smile. “The world is so big, and there’s so much more to explore.” For anyone interested in following Alex’s journey, Vibe Adventures continues to grow as a leader in the adventure travel space, offering travelers the opportunity to experience the world in a way that is both meaningful and responsible.

To catch the full interview with Alex Veka and learn more about his inspiring journey in the world of adventure travel, visit Big World Made Small at and follow Vibe Adventures for more updates on their latest offerings. Get ready to have some amazing adventure tours!